My everyday make-up for college.

Moisturizer: Not only healthy for your skin, but makes you look more awake and healthy. My recent moisturizer is the Pond’s Nourishing Moisturizing Cream Crema S. Its thick, but also weightless and leaves a nice glow to the skin.

Find here: Pond’s Nourishing Moisturizing Cream

Primer: Not necessary for everyday usage, but is essential for my everyday “lazy girl” foundation. I’ve been LOVING my Too Faced Hangover Replenishing face Primer. It’s a great product year round, but provides extra hydration during the winter months.

Find here: Too Faced Hangover Replenishing Face Primer

Concealer: I do use concealer when my eyes are dark from studying (…okay partying) all night or I’ve got some spots going on. Tarte Shape tape has been my holy grail lately!

Find here: Too Faced Shape Tape Contour Concealer

Foundation: I’ve recently discovered powdered foundations for my simple make-up routines and you should too. Depending on the brush and product, you can have sheer to medium coverage. My MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation is great because the coverage is build-able, has a matte finish to keep away any unwanted oils, and reduces the look of pores.

Find here: MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation

Bronzer: I do go in everyday with a little bronzer to give my face some dimension, this is totally optional. I prefer to use the Benefit Hoola Bronzer.

Find here: Benefit Hoola Matte Bronzer

Highlight: Highlighting gives any make-up look some extra added love. Regardless if i’m doing a full face or mascara, I add some highlight to look more alive. There are so many highlighters to choose from, but for the last week or so I’ve been going in with an eyeshadow from the Too Faced Chocolate Bar palette, champagne Truffle. So gorgeous!

Find here: Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette

Eyebrows/Eyeliner: I see a lot of college girls who don’t bother drawing on or in their eyebrows, but this is an absolute must for me. Of course I use the every so amazing Anastasia Brow Wiz to do this job, but then I also add it to my lash line just to deepen the look of my eyelashes.

Find here: Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz

and last but not least,

Mascara: This doesn’t need a reason, mascara is just plain great. I’ve recently purchased a new mascara – Wander Beauty Unlashed Volume and Curl Mascara and it’s AMAZING.

Find here: Wander Beauty Unlashed Volume and Curl Mascara


Moisturizer – applied with clean fingers.

Primer – applied with clean fingers.

Concealer – dabbed into skin with a damp beauty blender.

Foundation – Morphe M439 in a dabbing and circular motion; never swipe.

Bronzer – Sephora collection Bronzer brush

Highlight – Morphe M501 on top of cheek bones, on nose, above eyebrow arches, and cupids bow.


Stay Wicked



Why Public Relations?

Recently it seems as if i’ve been getting asked more questions as to why I chose to go into Public Relations. See, if you don’t know me personally, you wouldn’t know that I am usually a shy and reserved person. I wouldn’t call myself introverted, but more like an introverted extrovert. Public Relations is a major most extroverts go into because well….you’re dealing with the public. So why is someone like me, someone who generally hides from the public, going to be working with it for the rest of my life? It’s simple. It’s my passion.

No, speaking to the public is NOT my passion, not even one of my passions. However, what I get to do in Public Relations is my passion. For those of you who aren’t aware of what PR even is, i’ll explain it the best I can. PR is conveying messages to the public for your client, company, brand and so forth. However, that doesn’t mean you have to constantly write press releases and then voice them on tv or in front of hundreds or thousands of people. In my line of PR, I get to work with social media and events.

PR is a field that is so broad and diverse. You can find a job in PR anywhere in the world and any field in the world. If you want to work in the medical field, politics, travel, construction, science,  fashion and beauty, you can do that. If you can think you, you can find it. Although I am still in school at the moment and my PR career has yet to begin, there have been an enormous amount of opportunities that I have found already. My dream PR job would be to work with the social media team for a fashion and beauty brand, agency, or publishing house, while also helping with the events. Doesn’t that seem awesome? Of course I would also like to experience working for non-profits and the music industry at some point in my career.

I’m not the most outgoing person and I can definitely have a hard time voicing myself. PR will be a challenge for me, but it will also be the greatest experience. I get to work with my passions and push myself to get outside of my comfort zone and be a better person. I guess the moral of this blog is, if you have a passion but it doesn’t seem like it would fit you because you’re shy, reserved, maybe you don’t think you have what it takes, or maybe it’s a field that gets looked down on, but is YOUR passion; go for it. Most of my friends and family have a hard time believing that I can do PR, but I can do it because I’m passionate about it. You can do it as well.


Stay Wicked.

My Advice For Saving Damaged Hair


Have you over-processed your hair? Maybe used too many heating tools in the last several months? If you are anything like me and have been way too harsh on your hair, you’re no stranger to dealing with it being dry and/or damaged. Although I am not a licensed cosmetologist, I have learned several healing techniques though my former cosmetologists and personal experience.

  1. We all know it is important to get regular trims or cuts, but when your hair is damaged, it could be your ticket to the healthy hair train. If you’re willing to cut your hair several inches, do it. A good cosmetologist will cut you at a length that will not only suit you, but will benefit your hair. Those of us not so brave can opt for a trim on the ends and add some layers. Remember: unless you have cut out almost all the damage in your hair, you still need to follow up with a trim every four to six week and then other hair healing techniques.
  2. Putting a hot iron on your hair will definitely not help the damage, so avoid it. I know, I know, I know… “I can’t walk around with puffy hair”…Yes you can and you will if you want to revive your hair. Air dry your hair as often as you can. There are leave in products that you can put in after you shower that can help with frizziness, add body, shine, etc. If you must blow dry your hair, use a leave in condition, protection spray, and blow your hair on the lowest heating setting possible. Make sure to also limit how much you use heating tools.
  3. Shampoo and Conditioner can ultimately heal or damage your hair further. Look for shampoos and conditioners that are sulfate-free and cater to damaged and or dry hair. Make sure to also check that your new sulfate-free shampoo/conditioner contains natural oils to help protect your hair. As of lately, I have been going in between two different shampoos: Aveda Damage Remedy Restructuring shampoo which is sulfate-free and contains coconut to help my hair strands, and Redken All Soft which contains Argon oil which helps my dry, course hair feel softer.
    • It is also important to use a clarifying shampoo about every 2 weeks. Build-up is a huge cause of damage to our hair. If you are using styling products, have bad water quality, or go in between different shampoos, the build-up can come on quickly. However; it is important to mention that clarifying shampoos can cause more damage. It is important to research a good clarifying shampoo before making a purchase.
    • The hotter water = more damage. I love hot steaming baths and showers, but boy oh boy does my hair hate it and so does yours. When washing your hair, use lukewarm to cool water. After the shampoo process, give your hair a shot of cold water. Cold water helps close the hair cuticle. If you’re not sure what this means, it’s great. A closed hair cuticle causes the hair to lie flat which results in smoother, shiner hair so you don’t have to worry about not using heated tools!
    • Wash your hair about twice a week. This might seem gross for a while, but after time, your hair will learn to adapt. Our hair is smart. If we wash it every day, it allows itself to get oily overnight since it’ll be washed tomorrow. It’ll learn to adapt to only getting washed twice a week, just be patient. For a daily pick me up, use a dry shampoo which is not only good for getting rid of oil, but it can bring smell back into the hair, and give bounce/texture.
  4. With damaged hair, do expect to use treatments once to twice a week. I have used DIY treatments, oil treatments, overnight treatments, in the salon treatments, and treatments that are used in the shower. Do look for products that are moisturizing, reconstructing, and hydrating. Keratin, Olaplex, natural oils, and other proteins should be based in most of your treatments. My AG Hair Reconstruct treatment is used in the shower and out of the shower twice a week containing Keratin which helps with breakage. I also seen my cosmetologist for a treatment once a month.
  5. Other small tips I should mention.
    1. Even though you won’t be using as many heated tools, do not result to putting your hair up. Putting our hair in ponytails and buns can cause more damage to the hair by causing breakage in the strands.
    2. Maintain a healthy body. Eating healthy isn’t just good for our minds and body; it is also good for our hair. Omega- 3 fatty acids target shinier, thicker hair. There are also supplements that can be looked into.
    3. Always use a protective spray even not when using heating products. If it is a sunny, hot day.. the rays can cause damage to our hair.
    4. Stay away from coloring. Find a color that you can stick with for a while. Trust me, you won’t be coloring your hair unless you want to further damage your damaged hair.

Dry, damaged hair is a big issue for many. To find out more ways to heal your hair, talk to your cosmetologist and do research.

Stay Wicked.