Why Public Relations?

Recently it seems as if i’ve been getting asked more questions as to why I chose to go into Public Relations. See, if you don’t know me personally, you wouldn’t know that I am usually a shy and reserved person. I wouldn’t call myself introverted, but more like an introverted extrovert. Public Relations is a major most extroverts go into because well….you’re dealing with the public. So why is someone like me, someone who generally hides from the public, going to be working with it for the rest of my life? It’s simple. It’s my passion.

No, speaking to the public is NOT my passion, not even one of my passions. However, what I get to do in Public Relations is my passion. For those of you who aren’t aware of what PR even is, i’ll explain it the best I can. PR is conveying messages to the public for your client, company, brand and so forth. However, that doesn’t mean you have to constantly write press releases and then voice them on tv or in front of hundreds or thousands of people. In my line of PR, I get to work with social media and events.

PR is a field that is so broad and diverse. You can find a job in PR anywhere in the world and any field in the world. If you want to work in the medical field, politics, travel, construction, science,  fashion and beauty, you can do that. If you can think you, you can find it. Although I am still in school at the moment and my PR career has yet to begin, there have been an enormous amount of opportunities that I have found already. My dream PR job would be to work with the social media team for a fashion and beauty brand, agency, or publishing house, while also helping with the events. Doesn’t that seem awesome? Of course I would also like to experience working for non-profits and the music industry at some point in my career.

I’m not the most outgoing person and I can definitely have a hard time voicing myself. PR will be a challenge for me, but it will also be the greatest experience. I get to work with my passions and push myself to get outside of my comfort zone and be a better person. I guess the moral of this blog is, if you have a passion but it doesn’t seem like it would fit you because you’re shy, reserved, maybe you don’t think you have what it takes, or maybe it’s a field that gets looked down on, but is YOUR passion; go for it. Most of my friends and family have a hard time believing that I can do PR, but I can do it because I’m passionate about it. You can do it as well.


Stay Wicked.

5 tips for a successful all black outfit

As a rock-n-roll babe, I’ve had my fair share of all black outfits. Don’t get me wrong, it took me a while to gain the confidence to piece together an all black ensemble, but once I walked outside, there was no returning to the light side. Black outfits are sexy, sleek, professional, and let’s be honest….it’ll bring out the badass in you. Sure, black can be an intimating color to wear especially when its the only color you’re wearing, but with these 5 tips, I promise you’ll be a head-turner.

  1. Vary fabrics. When wearing an ensemble that is one color( black, white, hell…even blue), one of the best things to do is to use different fabrics in your piece. Never use the same fabric for your top as you would on your bottom, i.e cotton. I usually go for a chiffon or silk top and then pair it with leather or jean bottoms. Too much of the same fabric in any outfit is never a good thing.
  2. Vary textures. Loose bottom/tight top, loose top/tight bottom. Now that we are varying fabrics, its also good to vary the textures in your outfit. Different textures and different fabrics are more appealing to the eye and can soften the outfit. You’re already wearing all black…you don’t need to wear an all leather, skin tight top/bottom(well, unless you’re cat woman)
  3. Use different tones of black. THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT. Black, just like all the other colors out there, comes in about a thousand different shades. Try to avoid the same tone of black in your outfit. The one thing that drives me insane while working in retail is hearing a customer try and find an all black outfit that has to be the same shade of black. Your outfit needs dimension. This can be created by wearing a darker tone of black in your top with a more washed out tone of black in your bottom. If you aren’t connecting the pattern yet, all black outfits need dimension, whether with tone, texture, or fabric, in order to properly work.
  4. Accessorize. It doesn’t hurt to accessorize any outfit, but when you’re wearing an ensemble that is made up of 1 color, it can be hard to determine what style you were going for that day. Were you trying to be sexy? Professional? For some of us, jewelry can make or break the outfit. I am a personal fan of simple stud earrings and a pair of colorful shoes.
  5. ROCK ON, DOLL. The biggest tip I had to learn while wearing an outfit that was all black, or even all white, was to be confident. Trust me babes, people are going to look and you’re gonna get some comments on your ensemble. As long as you rock it, it doesn’t matter what you wear.

Fashion is a form of art and self-expression. Even though these tips have worked for me and a few of my close-friends venturing to the all black ensemble club, mess around and figure out what works best for you.

Stay Wicked.