20 Reasons to be single in your Twenties

It’s cuffing season so what better time for this blog! If you are in your twenties and are finding yourself single or recently single, don’t worry! You should be happy to be single and it isn’t the worst thing in the world (not even during the holidays). Your 20s are a prime time in your life. If you’re American you can drink legally, you’re graduating college, moving away from home, making more adult decisions, and just growing up. Instead of worrying about finding a romantic partner, here are twenty reasons why you should consider to be single during this exciting decade!

  1. In your twenties, the sex pool opens up! This isn’t an opportunity to be a slut or act like an idiot, but you’re constantly meeting more people and the opportunity to have casual relationships is more available.
  2. Traveling is done easier. Sure, sure. Anyone can tell you that’s the best thing to travel with a partner…yada yada yada. But have you EVER traveled with your best friends or alone?
  3. FREEDOM. In your twenties you are usually tied down by new responsibilities, being single reduces some of that and allows you freedom in some sense.
  4. You grow as a person. Not being with a partner helps you grow into your own being. You can spend time doing and being who you want not having to worry what he/she may think.
  5. Be selfish. Want to spend your entire paycheck on yourself? DO IT. You don’t have to worry about buying dinner or buying that special someone a gift.
  6. Focus on your career and goals. In your 20s you are really developing your resume. Being single during this time helps you focus on your future jobs.
  7. You don’t have to share a bed and thats a win for everyone.
  8. You become independent. No one wants someone who can’t be independent nor do you want to be that person. Being alone during this time helps you realize you can do things and be a strong, successful person all on your own.
  9. You learn to love yourself. People in relationships often forget to love themselves because people are doing it for them. When you are 20-29, you are growing as a person and have to love who you are.
  10. Adventure. There’s a whole world of opportunities out there. Do them all.
  11. You are your first priority. You get to decide what opportunities you take, what you don’t. You decide what you want in your life.
  12. Don’t worry about taking things too seriously. You’re single!!! Don’t worry about things too much. Don’t worry about having to have a boyfriend, just be single and have fun!
  13. No more pressure to have shaved legs, armpits, faces, or genitals. (but don’t get too carried away, no one wants you to turn into Chewbacca).
  14. Free time. Woohoo!! Watch the entire season of Fuller House, read a book, go on hikes, your time is free and you don’t have to worry about someone else trying to fill it.
  15. You’ll never get dumped or cheated on. 
  16. Become a dog mom. (my own personal favorite) If you want some kind of responsibility and want to be tied down in a sense, get an animal. They provide all the love and cuddles a relationship can bring.
  17. Be lazy. Only want to wear sweats? Thats okay. Only want to spend your time on Netflix and Tinder? That’s okay as well.
  18. Be active. Want to look so hot you stop all the boys in the streets? Do it. Join the gym, focus on yourself and your well-being.
  19. Take any and all of the opportunities. Take risks, make mistakes, be successful, just do everything you want.
  20. Stop caring about what everyone thinks. You aren’t in a relationship so you don’t have someone’s opinion you need to care about. Take this time and learn to do this for everyone. Only you should care about what you’re doing in life.

Being in a relationship isn’t horrible. If you are in a relationship, good for you! Relationships can be just as rewarding as being single, just do what your little heart is telling you to do.

Stay Wicked.